Download printmaster for mac
Download printmaster for mac

Whether you want to design and print banners, business cards, calendars, certificates, crafts, envelopes, and greeting cards, you will find a great range of tools for adding photos, inserting and styling text, and enhancing the project with custom backgrounds, paper styles, shapes and lines, headlines, and clip art. You can create many different types of projects in PrintMaster.

download printmaster for mac

PrintMaster Platinum 2 offers a collection of pre-designed templates you can use for your projects.

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A series of help messages, appearing in red text along the bottom of the work area, tell you what your next step in the process is (for example, “Please enter a name for your project”) so you never feel unsure about what to do next as you’re beginning to work with your project. PrintMaster is a powerful but intuitive program that offers a lot of support along the way. Once you choose whether you want to create a project based on an existing template or start from scratch, the program walks you through the process of creating your page. PrintMaster installs easily and opens with a window that offers you New Project Options.

download printmaster for mac

While you may be happy for the wide range of assets that ship with the Platinum version, be aware that your hard drive will pay the price to the tune of 22GB. I review the Platimun version of this program, but there are two other less expensive versions that have similar capabilities: PrintMaster Gold (for $20) is essentially a starter kit with just the essential page layout features, while PrintMaster Express ($30), which offers a limited number of templates, is available for download only. You could use your favorite photo editing tool-like Photoshop ( ) or iPhoto ( )-to fix the color brightness and crop out the background noise, but then what? When you want to turn a good photo into a great story, PrintMaster Platinum 2.0 helps you put one or many of your favorite photos into an inviting layout that you can share easily with friends and family. So you’ve just snapped some great pictures of your new puppy and you want to do something special with them.

Download printmaster for mac